Friday, January 25, 2013

Well Jeff finally recieved his orders the other day.  He will start in February with the National Guard. He might have to go through a three week school sometime soon.  Heather has her tournament for basketball this evening.  We thought the weather would be bad today the schools had a two hour delay but we thought they were the city and county schools.  We have children in both city and county schools.  Trey's school was delayed  but Heather's wasen't.  She was upset when she found out her school had to be there at 8:00.  Jeff thought he heard it on the radio that all the schools were out.  She may not be able to play in the tournament now. I feel bad about that.  Lauren's school was out as well..  I am off work on Fridays so that gives  me a break and catch up on laundry and house cleaning.  Jeff likes his work with FEMA and is the boss over some of the people that work there. We are hoping to get better financially and hopefully getting back into the military will help us out some.  I need to use my education and get a better paying job probably but it's nice to have work close by and I don't start work until 9:00 am in the morning so I can shuttle kids around. I enjoy my dental assistant job but pay is not that great for a college graduate.

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